
According to the author Rogers theory concerning the Innovation-Decision Process and Sony failure to meet the consumer needs concerning the Minidisc. Based on the information Sony failed at all stages of the innovation –decision process

  1. Knowledge not understanding what are needs of the consumers and the product concerning the music industry, although in Japan the minidisc was popular due to Japanese customers have the financial resources, but other customers in the U.S and European markets did not understand the existance of the Minidisc
  2. Persuasion the failure to convenience the public perception of the Minidisc by consumers in the U.S and European market. The first product of the Minidisc continue to not meet the needs of the music public, although there were changes by rebranding and reinventing the Minidisc however the perception continue to be weak with the public, retailers and vendors
  3. Decision the rejection of the Minidisc by the consumers, retailers and vendors. The reason why the innovation was rejected because of cost and quality of the Minidisc.
  4. Implementation confirms that the innovation was totally rejected due to poor marketing , cost and technology by the Minidisc. Sony failure to persuade the public perception of this product and rejection of this product. The music public decide to reject the Minidisc, but accept new innovation for example, cd and mp3s.
  5. Confirmation the decision by Sony to discontinue the Minidisc on July 7, 2011 based on public opinion and sales by consumers.Although Sony management was stubborn to market the Minidisc, but the music public just rejected the innovation concerning the Minidisc.

Therefore, based on this research explains in detail Roger’s Innovation-Decision Process and why Sony failed to meet the needs of the general music public concerning the Minidisc.
