Why Sony Failed at the Implementation Stage
Based on the research at the Implementation stage due to the fact the consumer did not adopt to the minidisc. The Minidisc did not meet the customers needs in the music for the following reasons below:
- Consumers did not adopt to the Minidisc however the price and quality was not popular within the music and computer industry
- Recent study by Consumer Electroinic Manfactor Association (CEMA) revealved that 52% of Americans whose stereo systems include both a cd and cassestte deck (Levitt p.2 1998)
- Consumers decide not to adopt to the Minidisc due cost of the product. The first Minidisc price carried a retail price around 750.00 (Levitt p.2 1998)
- Management decide to rebrand and reinvent the Minidisc
- According to author Roger’s “there are two types of discontinuance are (1) replacement and (2) disenchantment.(Rogers p. 190 2003) In this situation the dischantment discontinuances is a decision to reject an idea as a result of dissatisfaction with its performance . (Rogers p.190 2003) In this situation Sony changed the Minidisc, however consumers did not adopt the innovation.
- Most industry observers say that Minidisc is a flop with consumers despite offering several technological benefits over audiocassette and compact disc (Levitt p.2 1998)
- Sony and some brave hearted allies continue to push the Minidisc (Levitt p.2 1998)
- Consumers and retailers will eventually come to their senses and realize just how advanced the Minidisc format can be (Levittp.2 1998)
- Consumers somehow got the message that the replacement (minidisc) for cd and that message didn’t go over too well (Levitt p.2 1998)
- Jim Arvaniti “national marketing manager for kenwood suggets that it is possible that consumers may have been scared off because it removed them of other formats in the past that were supported by one manufacturer and failed (Levitt p,2 1998)
At the Implementation Stage that consumers decide not to adopt or implement Sony decision to rebrand or reinvent the minidisc.Consumers were not impressed with this product due to the failure of the first product by Minidisc.